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IronScales IronTraps
Automated Email Phishing Investigation, Orchestration & Response

IronTraps - Automated Email Phishing Investigation, Orchestration & Response

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IronScales IronTraps
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Organizations of all sizes are failing to detect and respond to malicious emails delivered to employee inboxes in a timely manner. Phishing awareness training is only partially effective for email phishing protection, and when employees do spot a suspicious message they quite often lack the tools to report it. But even when such messages are reported, SOC and security teams have to deal with the incident analysis and response manually - a process which is too slow and too labor intensive.

In today’s phishing threat landscape, security and risk management leaders need automated email phishing protection and incident response capabilities.

Key Enterprise Email Security Benefits for your Organization


Allow users to be part of the email phishing protection solution by reporting suspicious emails missed by technical controls such as the SEG.


Leverage user training by providing the tools for employees to be able to report suspicious emails.


Reduce manual email analysis and response with automation, improving efficiency for SOC & IT security teams.


Minimize potential for business disruption/lost productivity, credential theft or financial fraud due to phishing attacks.

Post Email Phishing - Delivery Incident Response

IronTraps is the first and only automated email phishing protection, detection and incident response module, combining human intelligence with machine learning to streamline phishing incident analysis, threat intelligence gathering (forensics), orchestration and response automatically or at the click of a button. Acting as a virtual force multiplier for IT operations, security operations and managed security service providers (MSSPs), IronTraps eliminates the need for highly trained SOC or security analysts to manually deal with every email phishing threat, while reducing the time from phishing detection to remediation from weeks or months to just seconds.

Even if end-users don’t report on every phishing email, IronTraps’ patented machine learning algorithms automatically clusters and find similarities in phishing emails in real time, preventing email permutations such as polymorphic attacks/campaigns from going undetected.

Leveraging Email Security Orchestration Automation and Response (E-SOAR)

E-SOAR can improve SOC and IT security teams' efficiency by providing a framework for flagging, analyzing and classifying the growing number of investigations in real-time.

IronTraps collects email threat data and alerts from different sources, where incident analysis and triage can be performed automatically leveraging a combination of human and machine power to help define, prioritize and drive standardized incident response activities according to a standard workflow, making it quick and easy for security analysts to classify reported email incidents.

A detailed graphic of how E-SOAR benefits SOC and IT teams’ efficiency in responding to advanced phishing threats.

How Does IronTraps Facilitate Rapid Response?

IronTraps collects email threat data and alerts from different sources, where incident analysis and triage can be performed automatically leveraging a combination of human and machine power to help define, prioritize and drive standardized incident response activities according to a standard workflow, making it quick and easy for security analysts to classify reported email incidents.

An IRONSCALES dashboard allowing organizations to resolve phishing attacks on mobile devices and laptop computers.

Why IronTraps for Automated Phishing Incident Response?

  • Simplify email forensics with automation and orchestration of suspicious emails in real-time

  • Reduce the time phishing emails lay idle in employee mailboxes with real-time remediation

  • Decrease email admin resources with automation and machine learning (no more scripts and tools)

  • Fuse technical and end-user control to better detect phishing emails

IronTraps Phishing Response & Detection Features

  • Automated phishing forensics, orchestration and remediation

  • Intuitive dashboard built for rapid response

  • Multi-client phishing report button

  • Integration and orchestration with other 3rd party tools

  • Resolve incidents on the go on mobile


IronTraps is available as a quick and easy two-click deployment for Office365 and G Suite in the cloud, on premise, or hybrid, with no MX records changes required.

IronTraps Video

Reduce phishing dwell times & SOC burden with Email Security Orchestration, Automation and Response

Watch our CEO Explain IronTraps’ Email Phishing Investigation and Response

IronTraps - Automated Email Phishing Investigation, Orchestration & Response

IronTraps eliminates the need for security analysts to manually analyze every phishing email, reducing the time from detection to response from hours or days to just seconds or minutes.


Download the IronScales IronTraps Datasheet (.PDF)